Are Young Blacks Weary of Being ‘Played’?
Gilbert’s film has drawn nearly 4,000 comments, a surprising number of them from young black people.
Jack Cashill
American Spectator
Zimmerman Suit Spells Trouble for Black Lives Matter
They have a dismal record of blowing up “racial killings” that turn out to be nothing of the kind.
Jack Cashill
American Spectator
LeBron James learned nothing from being duped by Trayvon Martin hoax
Ironically, LeBron James, a superstar basketball player, keeps getting "played."
Joel Gilbert
American Thinker
Documentary Claims Trayvon Martin Prosecution Hoaxed America
Gilbert believes that those seeking political and financial gain are concocting a narrative that pits one skin color against another.
The Federalist
The Media's False Narrative on Trayvon Case
Diamond Eugene reluctantly came forward under what Crump in a TV interview admitted was pressure from the Trayvon camp.
Rael Jean Issac
American Spectator
Zimmerman Prosecutors Deny the Undeniable As Lawsuit Proceeds
George Zimmerman's lawsuit saga is unfolding though the Florida court system in the form of depositions and a powerful but little known tool called "Requests for Admissions."
Jack Cashill
American Thinker
Here’s Why the Trayvon Story Won’t Go Away
The book and film lay out the case that Rachel Jeantel, the key prosecution witness, who testified that she was on the phone with Martin, was an impostor.
Eric Zorn
Chicago Tribune
Patrick Mahomes vs The Gospel of Trayvon
If you challenge The Gospel you can expect reprisal. Patrick Mahomes, just learned this lesson the hard way.
Joel Gilbert
American Thinker
CBS Miami: Cinema Sued For Canceled Screening
Highway 61 Entertainment LLC has filed a lawsuit for $ 670,000 in damages for “breach of contract.”
'Flagrant Judicial Fraud' Trayvon Martin's 'Girlfriend' Was 'Swapped Before Trial'
Rachel Jeantel, was an impostor swapped in before trial in place Brittany Diamond Eugene.
Information Liberation
George Zimmerman Suing Trayvon’s Family, Ben Crump et al for $100 Million

National Press Club - 9/16/19
Joel Gilbert -
Exposing the Trayvon Martin Hoax
Joel’s expose in this film of the truth behind a gross legal fraud in the case of the death of Trayvon Martin is entertaining, illuminating and greatly troubling.
Bill Marshall
Zimmerman’s Lawsuit Poses Legitimate Questions
George Zimmerman filed a $100 million lawsuit against Trayvon Martin's family last week, and the reaction was predictable.
David Whitley
Orlando Sentinel
Key Trayvon Witness Proven to be Imposter
Florida prosecutors' star witness was an imposter according to research laid out in a new documentary.
Kari Donovan
National File
Hillary endorses woman at heart of Trayvon scandal
Jack Cashill asks Florida reporters to cover fraud committed by teen's mother.
Jack Cashill
The Trayvon Martin Hoax Comes Crashing Down
A new book and film exposes how much of the legal and media case against George Zimmerman was based on a false witness.
Karl Notturno
American Greatness
Media sees no evil over 'Trayvon Hoax'
Jack Cashill notes new film exposes 'most spectacular legal fraud in memory'.
Jack Cashill
Film Tells Story of Racial Hoax Surrounding Trayvon Martin’s Death
The myth that black teen Trayvon Martin was a victim of racist violence set race relations back and was foisted on Americans by unscrupulous prosecutors in Florida
Matthew Vadum
The Epoch Times
Journalists Have Become Hoaxters
Gilbert demonstrated a long-lost art, investigative journalism, and he did it in a fun and entertaining manner.
Brian Joondeph
American Thinker
The Trayvon Hoax Shines a Light on the 'Fake News' Industry
Joel demonstrated a long-lost art, investigative journalism, and he did it in a fun, entertaining, and easily readable manner.
Brian Joondeph
American Thinker
The Trayvon Martin Hoax
A brand new film and book, both titled The Trayvon Hoax, show how facts were twisted to bolster a racist narrative and divide America.
Donald Jeffries
American Free Press
Entertaining, Brilliant Expose
I've never seen anything quite like this. The film is gripping. You see how Gilbert thought this out…the movie plays like the best imaginable CSI episode except it's real.
Hillary Clinton Pushes Trayvon Hoax Again
Hillary Clinton has taken to promoting yet another highly questionable story in her political life by stumping for the candidacy of Sybrina Fulton.
Time to Un-tell the Trayvon Lies
Jack Cashill spotlights new film blowing hole in media reporting on case.
Jack Cashill
Bombshell discovery exposes 'Trayvon hoax'
Iconic case spawned Black Lives Matter, current racial divide.
Why Did the Miami Herald Abandon Journalism?
During the time between the shooting in February 2012 and the Zimmerman trial in 2013, the Miami Herald was the only mainstream media outlet in the country to report honestly on the proceedings.
Jack Cashill
American Thinker
The Trayvon Hoax – A Fraud on America
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert’s new book The Trayvon Hoax brilliantly exposes one of the most fraudulent and shameful trials in the history of the United States. The story of the attempted legal lynching of George Zimmerman for the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy with numerous casualties including Zimmerman, young black Americans and race relations in the United States.
Frank Hawkins
The American Thinker
A Trial Hijacked for Political Gain
Joel Gilbert’s book and video spotlights a lawless and exploitative stain on America’s system of justice.
Gila Hayes
Legal Defense Network
Old Fashioned Detective Work
"With a stunning amount of old fashioned detective work, Joel Gilbert has ripped the cover off of the tragic Trayvon Martin story to expose one of the worst judicial frauds in American history, and how it was used to divide America along racial lines. Pulitzer Prize!"
Frank Hawkins
Former Associated Press Correspondent
Mind Blowing Revelations
"Joel Gilbert's extraordinary investigative work pays off with mind-blowing revelations. I thought I knew the Trayvon Martin story. I didn't know the half of it. The Trayvon Hoax should shake up national debate on race and crime."
Jack Cashill
Author: If I Had A Son
Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman
A Masterpiece That Blows The Lid Off Judicial Corruption
"THE TRAYVON HOAX is a masterpiece that blows the lid off Judicial corruption and the use of courts to stir racial tensions within the nation. Dogged investigative work seldom witnessed!"
Charles Jones
B/Gen. USAF (Ret)
Interview with Director Joel Gilbert and Attorney Larry Klayman
Seven Years on Will We Finally See Actual Justice for Trayvon?
Crowdsource the Truth
The Mother of All Racial Hoaxes
Tawana Brawley? Jussie Smollet? Guess again. Until I previewed the incredible and shocking documentary by producer and director Joel Gilbert (Highway 61 Entertainment), The Trayvon Martin Hoax, I really did not know a serious hoax from a cheap Halloween disguise.
Willie Shields
The American Thinker
The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America
After a painstaking investigation into the Trayvon Martin shooting, I have produced a film and written a companion book, both called The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America. Only after I started the project did I realize I had stumbled onto the most spectacular case of identity fraud in modern American judicial history. Thanks to the folks at American Thinker for allowing me to reveal it here for the first time.
Joel Gilbert
The American Thinker
KNUS Denver, Randy Corporon Show
Opperman Report
Bill Martinez Show
Bob Frantz and Larry Elder Show
Bob Frantz interviews Joel Gilbert. Starts at 21:00
Joyce Kaufman Show
Joyce speaks to Joel Gilbert from West Palm Beach. Starts at: 00:18:50
CL Bryant Show
Listen to Joel Gilbert interviewed by CL Bryant (Runaway Slave movie)
WCBM Baltimore
Listen to Joel Gilbert interviewed on Baltimore WCBM.
Wake Up! with Randy Corporon
Listen starting at 20:00 with Randy Corporon on Denver KNUS
Peter Boyles Show
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert on the premiere of his new film, "The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America.
Larry O'Connor Show
Listen as Larry spoke with Joel Gilbert on "The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America".
"The Truth is 180 degrees from the media narrative."
Lou Dag
"A mesmerizing account of what happens when public figures from the President on down interfere with justice for political purposes."
"A tough pill to swallow for those who bit hook, line and sinker."
Marcus A
"A masterpiece. Joel Gilbert gives us a Pulitzer-worthy feat of investigative journalism so good that it's a work of art. While other journalists trafficked in caricatures, Joel alone bothered with the complicated truth, and brings us a story that is as sensitively-told and emotionally gripping as it is significant for the entire media-political industrial complex."
Luke Rosiak
Author: Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect the Democrats
"Rivetting and enlightening."
Roger Patterson
"Huge! Epic. Amazing. Breathtaking. Unbelievable. And a bunch of other adjectives I can't come up with right now."
Derrick W.
“A book that should be read by all Americans, to reveal how the country was deceived and race relations suffered. May the origin of this evil be revealed so healing can begin.”
"I got the message of the movie completely, and it is one of racial peace."
Cheyenne Moore
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert Set To Reveal The Hoax Behind Rachel Jeantel
Anyone who paid attention to the details in the George Zimmerman case knew Florida state prosecutors knowingly, and with malicious intent, falsified witness testimony from Witness #8 Rachel Jeantel; who they claimed was Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend.
The Conservative Treehouse
"How is it possible no one in the media chose to do what I did? The answer is the truth would not have advanced their fear-fueledracial agenda."